We use advanced AI models to write, reply and chat.
It's a revolutionary AI messaging platform that turns conversations into entertaining and engaging experiences.

1. Subscription Services and Prices: Weekly subscription: $3.99/week, first 6 conversations free. Annual subscription: $49.99/year, the first 6 conversations are free.
2. Payment: Users will be credited to iTunes account after confirming the purchase and payment.
3. Cancel subscription: Subscription will automatically renew, if you need to cancel automatic renewal, please turn off automatic renewal at least 24 hours before the expiration of the current subscription cycle, and no more charges will be charged after closing. If cancelled less than 24 hours before expiration, it will be automatically renewed.
4. Renewal: 24 hours before the expiration of the subscription service, Apple will automatically deduct the corresponding fees from your iTunes account, and the validity period of the subscription service will be automatically extended by one cycle after success.

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